Friendship Day June 1, 2021

The Queensland Council of Gardens Clubs (QCGC), of which
KDGC Inc is a member, encourages clubs to hold aFriendship Day and invite members from other clubs to join in. 

KDGC Inc has chosen to run this event every 2 years in June. Invitations are reciprocated, providing a network for clubs to share their knowledge over lunch and extend the hand of friendship through gardens.  This special event provides a time to learn and laugh around good food and great company (and some frivolity as well).

A big thankyou to everyone who came on Monday afternoon to set up for Friendship Day. I was simply amazed at the support given including so many of the husbands who came along. Thank you everyone.
In particular can I thank Sue for her incredible efforts to ensure the COVID-19 regulations were maintained, especially in the preparation and serving of the food. Well done Sue. What can I say about Erin that you don’t already know. She is a gem! And to Veronica and Bonnie for such a great job in pricing up and selling so many plants. Lorraine, you excelled yourself! Well done and thank you for your hard work. What a great club we have. Once again, compliments from our visting clubs and other visitors abound.